Everytime helps you keep track of important information about your projects, activities, or tasks and keep it accessible in a single place.
Everytime helps you keep track of important information about your projects, activities, or tasks and keep it accessible in a single place.
Everytime is a simple app that allows you to note down Occurrences (ie. events) for any Activity, or item, you want to keep track of.
This way you can go back in time and see what happened and when.
No more guessing, loose notes, or needing a superhuman memory!
Keep track of physical and mental health events – when you detect changes to your body, injuries, rehab exercises, positive or negative episodes.
Keep track of remodels, energy efficiency improvements, paint colors, maintenance, purchase dates for appliances or events in your neighborhood.
Keep track of when you start, transplant, or feed your plants. When you first detect a pest, the treatment you apply and when.
Keep track of family events and chores (and who took care of them!).
Keep track of events affecting your vehicles and other items.
These are just a few ways our users utilize our app. Everytime has been designed to be super flexible, to help you keep track of whatever you can think.
You can use it for pretty much anything you want to keep track of. Categories and pins help keep them organized.
When something happens in that Activity, create an Occurrence - add notes (and more).
Access your Activities and see the timeline of events in them. Export the data anytime for analyzing with other tools.